Usage Requirements to Host a Class at Pinewood Lake
To host a class or event, you must be a PLA member in good standing or you must be sponsored by a PLA member.
Contact Social chair to check availability on PLA calendar in case of any conflicts.
Once approved, contact Partyline Editor at plapartylineeditor@gmail.com to advertise in Partyline and for distribution of e-blasts to our membership.
Class instructors must pay a room usage fee of $10 per class (if two classes in one day, $20/class).
Class instructors will provide PLA with certificate of insurance coverage, in case of injury, of at least $500,000 in liability coverage.
Per state regulation, class instructors will supply PLA with a sales and use tax permit or room occupancy tax permit.
Class instructors will provide PLA with a list of member & non-member participants. Members will pay regular/base fee for classes offered & non-members will be charged an additional $10/$20 — additional course fees must be given to PLA once fees are collected.
Registration for class(s) offered to PLA members first and if additional spots remain, then may be offered to friends of PLA.
You are responsible for collecting funds for your class and submitting all required documents and fees to PLA before your first class.