Members are the foundation of our association and the heart of our community
As the steward of the lake since 1944, the PLA provides more than just beach services in the summer months.
The PLA operates to ensure a safe, comfortable environment for members to enjoy throughout the year. This includes maintaining the beach and providing life guards during the summer, ensuring well-maintained grounds and clubhouse, and overseeing annual lake maintenance.
We are only able to do this through the fees provided by our Owner Members and Associate Members.
To join the PLA Associate Member Waitlist, scroll to the bottom of this page.
Owner(s) of a Qualified Property.
Multiple owners of the same property are required to be living together as a Family Unit, if they are to be considered Owner Members. If multiple owners are not living as a Family Unit on the property, they must designate one Owner Member or one Family Unit as Owner Member each year upon payment of dues. The remaining owners of the property will be allowed guest privileges.
A Family Unit that does not possess a Qualified Property.
The total number of associate memberships is determined annually by the Board of Governors and voted on at the Annual Membership Meeting or a Special Meeting of the Members.
A Family Unit that legally occupies a dwelling or part of a dwelling owned by an Owner Member, in Good Standing.
Membership is not transferable, under any circumstances, including, but, not limited to non-Family Unit owners
of the same property.
Application and Approval Process
To inquire whether your property has deeded rights, please contact
An application, the initiation fee, and the year’s dues must be submitted to the Membership Chair who will make a recommendation to the Board of Governors for approval.
Applicants must complete the Associate Member Application. Once the application has been received, the applicant will be added to the waiting list.
Applicants will be considered in the order that they are received. A simple majority affirmative vote of the Board of Governors shall be necessary to approve an application for Associate Membership.
To inquire whether your property has deeded rights, and if the Owner Member is in Good Standing, please contact
An application, the initiation fee, and the year’s dues must be submitted to the Membership Chair who will make a recommendation to the Board of Governors for approval.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About PLA Membership
My family members are current members. Does this qualify me and my family for membership?
Members are required to be living together as a Family Unit. If your family member's home is your primary residence, yes, you will receive membership rights. If you reside elsewhere, then no, you may not be considered a PLA member.
I live in Trumbull, does this automatically qualify me for membership?
No, unfortunately it does not. If you do not own or rent a Qualified Property (see above for details), you must apply to join the Associate Member Waiting list.
I used to be a PLA member, can I be moved to the top of the waiting list?
No, all Associate Member applicants will be considered in the order that they are received.
Are dues charged annually? What are the dues?
Each year the membership approves a budget for the following year. This determines the annual dues amount as well as how many Associate Membership spots are made available. Following approval of the budget, members will receive an invoice noting their applicable dues along with instructions on when and how to pay. To learn more about the annual budgeting process, please visit our Governance and Finance section.
What is included in membership?
Please see below for membership benefits.
Are guests allowed?
As a member of the PLA you are eligible to invite guests to the property (including the beach and the clubhouse), as well as some social events. For more details on the guest policy, please visit our Beach page.
Can we rent boats or do we bring our own?
The PLA does not offer boat rentals. Members may apply for a boat slip at the main beach or on one of the PLA properties that surround the lake. More more information about boat slip rentals as well as what type of boats are allowed on the lake, please visit our Boating and Fishing page.
Can I rental the Clubhouse?
Members in Good Standing are eligible to rent the Clubhouse. Non Members must be sponsored by a Member in Good Standing. This Member must attend the event. For more information on Clubhouse rentals, please visit our rentals page. Additional information on beach parties can be found on the beach rentals page.
Does the PLA offer swim lessons? How do I sign up?
Swim lessons are offered to members during the summer months. For more information on cost and process to register, please see our Swim Lessons FAQ.
What events does the PLA offer?
The PLA offers many different types of events for children, adults, and families. Some events are for members only, while others may include guests. This will be noted in each event advertisement.
The PLA endeavors to offer many of its events for free (as part of the annual membership dues), however, depending on the annual social budget approved by the membership, or the type of event, some events may be offered at a fee.
The annual calendar is updated each year. However, recurring events include,
Social events including: Live bands on the patio during the summer (3 times per year), and Social Hours on the sunporch
Family events including: Fishing Derby (spring event), swim races (3 per year), and Family Fun Day
Monthly events including: Ladies Board Game Night, Book Club, Hiking Club, and Tango
Holiday events including: Easter, Halloween, and Christmas/Hanukkah
Theater events including: Plays and theatrical readings
Member Benefits
Monthly Newsletter (The Partyline)
Weekly Updates
(Pinewood Weekly)
Use of the lake and beach
Ability to rent the clubhouse and beach for private functions
(see fees and rental process)
Access to all social events, programs and classes run by the PLA
Ability to attend monthly and annual Board meetings
Voting Priviledges
Eligible to hold a position on the Board of Governors
Eligible to Chair or sit on a committee
(with exceptions)
Representation on the Board of Governor
Currently there is a five to six year waitlist to join Pinewood Lake Association as an Associate Member. If you are interested in adding your name to the existing waitlist, you will be required to pay a one-time, non refundable, enrollment fee of $25.00. This fee helps support our volunteer run organization's initiatives and ensures the continued growth and success of the Pinewood Lake community. To complete your registration, please contact the membership committee at membershipPLA@gmail.com.
As a waitlist candidate, you are required to update your contact information, annually, by contacting the membership committee: membershipPLA@gmail.com. This will ensure that we have the most current contact information when we are ready to enroll you and your family into our association. We look forward to welcoming you as a valued member of our community.
Associate Member Waitlist Application